Spring 2013 Portfolio Requirements- Due Friday June 7 at 8am

    1. Studio Teacher Interview Project (15 questions, Shot Sheet, and Final self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
  1. 4. Music Based Video Project (Pitch/Proposal, Script, Shot Sheet, Production Schedule, Rough Cut,
    1. Final self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
        1. 5. Live Production Experience- (2-3 sentences about what you did and then another 2 about what you learned)
        2. Total: 400 points
        3. CP Project students:
  1. Moonrise Kingdom Critique
  2. SuperBowl Class Critique
  3. Talent Show Comedy Project (Pitch/Proposal, Script or Shot sheet, Rough Cut, Rough Draft and
    1. Final self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
  4. Social Media Project (5 Content Pieces- link to Pathbrite site, Rough Draft andFinal self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
  5. Shot for Shot remake project- (Pitch/Proposal, Script or Shot sheet, Rough Cut, Rough Draft and
    1. Final self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
    2. 2 Live Production Experiences- (2-3 sentences about what you did and then another 2 about what you learned)
    3. Total: 400 points

AP Project students:

  1. Talent Show Comedy Project (Pitch/Proposal, Script or Shot sheet, Rough Cut, Rough Draft andFinal self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
  2. Social Media Project (5 Content Pieces- link to Pathbrite site, Rough Draft andFinal self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
  3. Final AP Project (Pitch/proposal, Script, Shot Sheet, Production Calendar, Rough Cut, Rough Draft andFinal self-reflection Critique (what you learned)
    1. 3 Live Production Experiences- (2-3 sentences about what you did and and then another 2 about what you learned)

Total: 500 points