In Class Comedy critiques

Please provide Insightful, Media Literate, constructive feedback on the different Comedy examples we watch in class in your page called "In Class Comedy Critiques"

You will be graded on your responses to what is in RED writing below, everything else is more impressive.

Wednesday: Last years Comedy projects- what worked, what didn't work, was there any inspiration provided

Thursday: The British Office- The very first episode of The Office, created by Ricky Gervais, was created for a BBC (British) audience, how was that clear through the humor, characters, shooting and editing?

Friday: The American Office- The very first episode of The Office, was adapted for an American audience, how was that clear through the humor, characters, shooting and editing?

Monday: Super Bowl Commercials- 3 million dollars for 30 seconds or $3,330 per frame of video- so every frame matters- take at least 3 ads from and break them down the way all of the executives, producers and editors did along the way from narrowing down hundreds of ideas to the final edit.

Tuesday: Show and Tell Comedies from your classmates- describe 3 different comedy conventions we talked about in class and which you think would work best based on the examples you watched in class

Wednesday: Show and Tell from your classmates and Mr. Douglass

Thursday: Best of Show and Tell