Opening Trailer Project- Spring 2012

Assignment: Create a trailer for Moneyball or the Cross-Town Classic that tells the story in your own way with music and narration.

Due: A 2-3 minute video that will include a soundtrack and series of shots that represent the story of the movie to be embedded into your digital portfolio.

Goal: To learn how to edit in Final Cut Pro X. To understand the importance of sound and how crucial it is in telling the story. To learn key elements of editing such as timing, pacing and narrative flow to help communicate to your audience. To have fun understanding how trailers are created.

Pre- Production Process:

Thursday January 19- Watch and discuss Moneyball

Monday January 23- Watch and discuss Moneyball

Tuesday January 24- Finish Moneyball

Wednesday January 25- Watch and discuss Moneyball extra features on Story elements

Thursday January 26- Create Digital Portfolio and Moneyball critique questions in class

Monday January 30- Introduce the trailer project in class and show example of the original trailer and critique them:

Introducing story ideas and...

Final Cut Pro X infrastructure and initial steps of editing


Post- Production Process:

Tuesday January 31- editing initial sections in FCP

Wednesday February 1- editing initial sections in FCP

Thursday February 2- talk through trailer concept and plan

Friday February 3- discuss use of music in a trailer

Monday February 6- Critique SuperBowl Commercials

Tuesday February 7- editing

Wednesday February 8- editing

Thursday February 9- Rough Cut Due with Mr. Douglass

Friday February 10- Rough Cut Due with Mr. Douglass

Monday February 13 - Editing

Tuesday February 14- Editing

Wednesday February 15- Rough Draft Due for peer critique

Thursday February 16- Editing

Tuesday February 21- editing

Wednesday February 22- Final Class Critique Due to the Server by the end of the day

Thursday February 23- Class critique

Friday February 24- Final version up to


Rough Cut in FCP-- 50 points

Rough Draft peer critique in FCP-- 50 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points