Advanced Talent Show Comedy Project

Talent Show Comedy Shorts-

Assignment: Take inspiration from the brilliant writing we will watch in class and create a compelling comedy short that is relevant to the Talent Show audience. These shorts need to make your audience, of 8-88 year olds, from our community laugh.

Due: 4- 30 second pieces that can stand alone and collectively tell a 2 minute story that is relevant and funny. The creative writing and production values need to be extremely strong to effectively communicate your humor in a short amount of time.

Goal: To understand the complexity, detail and timing needed to produce excellent humor. To take the conventions we see in professional productions and produce a unique idea that is appropriate and acceptable for the Talent Show moms.

Pre- Production Process:

Wednesday January 20- Introduce project and brainstorm ideas

Thursday January 21- Digital Portfolio Entry:

How has Comedy Changed?

For you first Digital Portfolio entry of the semester, read this article from the New York Times from two days ago.

In a new page in your Digital Portfolio, titled "New Media Comedy"

1. Summarize the article in two sentences

2. How do you think this change in viewer behavior effects comic visual storytelling for the 21st Century- in four great sentences

3. Please provide your additional comments before we start watching Community.

Friday January 22-, Watch and discuss Parks and Recreation

Homework- 5 minute show and tell session for next week

Monday January 25- Watch and discuss The Office

Tuesday January 26- Watch and discuss 30 Rock

Wednesday January 27- Show n Tell Sessions, idea share

Thursday January 28- Show n Tell sessions

Friday January 29- Topic/Pitch/Proposal Due at the beginning of class- Best of Show and Tell if time permits

Monday February 1- Best Show and Tell wrap-up

Tuesday February 2- Scripting/Shot Sheet

Wednesday February 3- Production Schedule

Production Process:

Thursday-Friday February 4-5- Production time in class for shooting based on Production Schedule

Post- Production Process:

Monday February 8- Critique Super Bowl commercials

Tuesday February 9- Editing

Wednesday February 10- Editing

Thursday February 11- Rough Cut Due with Mr. Douglass

Tuesday February 16- - Editing

Wednesday February 17- Editing

Thursday February 18 Rough Draft Due for peer critique

Friday February 19- Editing

Monday February 22- Editing

Tuesday February 23- Final Project Due to the Server

Wednesday February 24- Final Critique in class


Topic/Pitch/Proposal— 25 points

Scripting/Shot Sheet-- 50 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Rough Cut in Google Site-- 25 points

Rough Draft peer critique in Google Site- 25 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points