Music Based Video Spring 2019

Assignment: Tell a meaningful story by using effective music and visuals. What's a story? “A character that wants something and overcomes conflict to get it.” Be creative in your interpretation of the song. Let your visuals tell the story. Create your song or find one that is copyright free and it can be publicly streamed online, pick a copyrighted song and it can be posted privately to your digital portfolio through

Due: 2-4 minute video that uses the tone of a song to guide your communication of a storyline that connects with your specific audience in the LFHS community. This project can only be optioned into if you received an A- or better in your first project.

Goal: To combine the power of music with the visual techniques learned so far to communicate a meaningful message that makes your audience feel a specific emotion. This is not a reenactment of the lyrics, craft your story around the tone and story of the song.

Monday April 22- Introduce the project the specific goals of the project, hearing from TA's experiences and the specific goals of the project- for royalty free music

Monday, April 29- Refine Pitch-Proposal, build Production Schedule

Tuesday, April 30- Physics Boat Race practice shoot

Block Day- Topic/Pitch/Proposal in class

Friday, May 3- finalizing Project proposals

Monday May 6- Pre-Production development on Schoology

Production Process:

Wednesday/Thursday May 8/9- Begin shooting for the project

Friday, May 10- Media Literacy Day

Monday May 13- shooting for the Rough Cut

Tuesday May 14- shooting for the Rough Cut

Post- Production Process:

Wednesday/Thursday May 15/16- Rough Cut Due for peer critique

Friday May 17- Media Literacy Day

Monday May 20- editing

Tuesday May 21- editing

Wednesday/Thursday May 22/23- Editing

Friday May 24- Media Literacy Day

Tuesday May 28- FINAL PROJECT DUE to the server by 9pm

Wednesday/Thursday May 29/30- Final class critique and upload to the server

Friday May 31- finalize and upload to the website- begin working on Portfolios

Saturday June 1- Best of New Media at Gorton

Monday June 3- Launch Semester Reflection video


Topic/Pitch/Proposal— 25 points

Scripting/Shot Sheet-- 50 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Rough Cut critique- 50 points

Rough Draft Peer Critique- 50 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points

Final Reflection-- 100 points