Comedy Project

Assignment: Take inspiration from the brilliant writing we will watch in class and create a compelling comedy that is relevant to the Talent Show audience. This series of video shorts need to make anyone and everyone in the school community laugh.

Due: 4- 30 second stand alone pieces that can collectively tell a 1 minute or 2 minute story that is funny. The production values need to be extremely strong to effectively communicate your humor in a short amount of time.

Goal: To understand the complexity and detail needed to produce excellent humor. To adapt and idea you’ve seen to create an appropriate and acceptable comedy for our school community.

Pre- Production Process:

Wednesday January 28- Introduce project and brainstorm ideas

Thursday January 29- Watch and discuss The British Office

Friday January 25-, Watch and discuss The American Office and view parts of DVD commentary to talk and explain the nuance of the show

Homework- 5 minute show and tell session for next week

Monday February 2- Critique Super Bowl commercials

Tuesday February 3- Show n Tell sessions, Storyboard intro

Wednesday February 4- Finish Show n Tell Sessions, idea share

Thursday February 5- Best of the Show n Tell sessions

Friday February 6- Topic/Pitch/Proposal Due at the beginning of class- refine TPP during class

Production Process:

February 9- 13 Production week based on Production Schedule

Post- Production Process:

Tuesday February 17- editing during class

Wednesday February 18- Rough Cut Due with Mr. Douglass

Thursday February 19- Editing

Friday February 20- Editing

Monday February 23- Editing

Tuesday February 24- - Rough Draft Due for peer critique

Wednesday February 25 Editing

Thursday February 26 Final Project Due at the end of class to V

Friday February 27- Screening and critique


Show and Tell 25 points

Topic/Pitch/Proposal— 25 points

Script/Storyboards— 50 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Production work in class— participation 50 points

Rough Cut in Journal-- 25 points

Rough Draft peer critique- 25 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points