While I'm away...For part of Monday and all of Tuesday

1st Semester Students

1. Take time to finish up notes from last week’s In-Class video critique

2. Make sure your Google Site is collaborated with my email address: stevedouglass@gmail.com (if you're not sure, just ask a TA)

3. Ask your TA or Buddy how to set up a Google Calendar- if you haven’t already- and how to get the class calendar and share it with me.

4. IF you know your Social Security # go to our class site and click on “Dual Credit information” link on the top left side. Follow the directions there to begin the process towards getting College credit for taking this class!

5. Create a new page called "How to use the Canon HV20" and take notes on at least 4 specific bullet points from the video found in the folder named "Telecom-How to shoot" which is on your desktop at the top of the screen.

Start with "Intro to Rack and storage"


"How to use our HD cameras" for more specifics



6. Check out the ATTACHED PDF AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE for a visual breakdown of the camera and the process

7. Go over your notes with your TA or buddy, ask them anything you can think of about what you just watched in preparation for going out to shoot video on Wednesday.

7. If you have time, ask your TA or Buddy to check out a camera and you can see about trying to different elements in the video.

8. If you still have time at the end of the period, ask a Second Semester buddy to show you their LMC project, Studio Interview and Music Video projects- in that order- as examples of what the first semester projects look like.

Advanced Students- Comedy Project

1. Review the What I learned from the last project, from last semester, before having a group discussion about what you think should added to the Tips for Advanced Comedies on the board

2. Rework your Pitch/Proposal based on the changes we discussed in class

3. Map out the rest of the project in your Google Calendar, paying specific attention to the Rough Cut, RD and Final project deadlines.

4. Begin the Scripting process by going to http://www.zhura.com/ and register using the same info/email as Google Sites

1. Once you confirm your email and are in zhura go to CREATE SCRIPT at the top

2. Pick Screenplay and name it with your name first- Comedy

3. Save it- a box will appear- towards the bottom where it asks, “Allow commercial uses of your work?” Click NO and then hit save. This is to maintain privacy of your work so no one can legally take your ideas unless they contact you for approval.

4. Hit YES on the next box as it pops up which says that you will share credit for creating your work with those that help make it better.

5. Begin Story boarding your script, angle by angle, figuring out the timing of your set up and punch line making sure you hit your 30 second marks.

6. Finalize your In-Class Comedy Critiques in your previous journal entry.

7. Check out Lynda.com and give me feedback on how helpful you find the video tutorials on Final Cut Pro, Soundtrack, Garage Band and the rest.