Personal Reflective Assessment

Assignment: As a way to creatively communicate what you've learned this semester, you are going to create a 1:30 to 2 minute video on what you enjoyed, what challenged you and what you'll take with you.

Goal: To tell your own story, quickly and efficiently, using the technology you used and learned this semester.

Step 1: Ideation

What did you enjoy most learning this semester?

What challenged you most?

What do you think you will use most going forward?

Step 2: Fill out the Mad Lib Script

Step 3: Record your narrative

You can use the Sure mics or your Voice Memo in a quiet place

Step 4: Record your video (extra points for using your Smartphone camera well)

Shoot the video that will creatively and efficiently tell your story to your audience (Mr. Douglass, future decision makers in your life and yourself as you look back through your digital portfolio in __ years)


Monday: Ideation, Mad Lib 1st draft

Tuesday: Critique and refine your script and record narrative

Wednesday: Drop it into FCP and start shooting your video

Your Final hour and 40 minutes: Finish it up and post to the Server


Final Video- 100 points