Advanced Live Event Coverage Project

Assignment: Shoot a live event with a group, or on your own, to document the unique storyline that you set out to communicate. You will coordinate to get the most essential information, create a plan and then execute the footage and interview at a high level.

Due: A 2-5 minute visual story that includes an interview and a lot of b-roll.

Goal: To learn how to cover an event, coordinate with others and capture enough footage to dynamically represent the people and place that made your event worthwhile. Examples would be the Field Trip to the United Center, TEDxLFHS, Teacher Interviews in the DMT, the Walk Out, Historical Society Video Showcase or another event before Spring Break.

Wednesday/Thursday March 7/8- Introduce the project and begin the ideation/selection process.

Friday March 9- Media Literacy Day- watching through examples

Monday March 12- Tuesday March 20- Work with 1st Semester students on Teacher Interview

Wednesday/Thursday March 21/22- Editing

Friday March 23- Media Literacy Day

Spring Break-

Tuesday April 3- Work Days preparing for Rough Cut critique during block days

Wednesday/Thursday April 4/5- Editing day

Friday April 6- Media Literacy Day

Monday April 9- Tuesday April 10- work days

Wednesday/Thursday April 11/12-Rough Cut check in with Mr. Douglass

Friday April 13- work days

Monday April 16- final work days

Tuesday April 17- FINAL project due to the server by 9pm

Wednesday/Thursday April 18/19- Rough Draft Peer Critique

Friday April 20- Final project upload

Monday April 23- final work days

Tuesday April 24- FINAL project due to the server by 9pm

Wednesday/Thursday April 25/26- Final Critique

Friday April 27- Final project upload


Pre-Production (Pitch, ideation and Content Calendar) 100 points

Production (shooting and editing through the draft process) 100 points

Post-Production (final video based off the expectations) 100 points