Talent Show Project Fall 2018

Assignment: Create a compelling comedy short that is relevant to the Talent Show audience. These shorts need to make your audience, of 8-88 year olds, from our community laugh... or at least smile.

Due: 4- thirty second pieces that can each stand alone, but also collectively tell a 2 minute story that is relevant and funny. The creative writing and production values need to be extremely strong to effectively communicate your humor in a short amount of time to your specific audience of the school community.

Goal: To understand the complexity, detail and timing needed to produce excellent humor. To take the conventions we see professionally, and in past successful productions, to produce a unique idea that is appropriate and acceptable.

Pre- Production Process:

Block Day November 14/15- Introduce project and discuss what makes comedy work


Tuesday, November 20- Pitch/Proposal session

Thanksgiving Break

Monday, November 26- Refine Pitch-Proposal, build Production Schedule

Tuesday, November 27- begin scripting using Writer Duet


Production Process:

Wednesday/Thursday November 28/29- Begin shooting for the project

Friday, November 30- Media Literacy Day

Post- Production Process:

Monday December 3- shooting for the Rough Cut

Tuesday December 4- shooting for the Rough Cut

Wednesday/Thursday December 5/6- Rough Cut Due for peer critique

Friday December 7- Media Literacy Day

Monday December 10- editing

Tuesday December 11- editing

Wednesday/Thursday December 12/13- Editing

Friday December 14- Media Litearcy Day

December 17th- Finals Week- Rough Draft Peer Critique during class

Winter Break

Monday January 7- editing

Tuesday January 8- editing

Wednesday/Thursday January 9/10- editing/re-shooting

Friday January 11- Media Literacy Day

Monday January 14- final editing

Tuesday January 15- FINAL PROJECT DUE to the server by 9pm

Wednesday/Thursday January 16/17- Final class critique and upload to lfhsnewmedia.com begin working on Portfolios


Topic/Pitch/Proposal— 25 points

Scripting/Shot Sheet-- 50 points

Production Schedule— 25 points

Rough Draft peer critique in FCP- 50 points

Draft for the Talent Show Committee 50 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points

Final Reflection-- 50 points