LFC 2050 vision project


Assignment: High school students from Highland Park High School, Deerfield High School, and Lake Forest High School competing against each other. The competition asks participants to produce responses to the following question—what will the world of the future hold at the half-century mark?

Prizes for the winners in each group are generous: $2,500 for 1st place, $1,500 for 2nd place, and $1,000 for 3rd place. Students may enter solo, or in groups of up to four students.

The prompt is open-ended—your response might be an imaginative speculation of what music will sound like, the risks and rewards of artificial super-intelligence, likely directions in demographics and politics, or a meditation on how the world we live in now may be changed.

The competition in each group will be judged by a panel of Lake Forest College faculty and Trustees and representatives from the participating high schools.

The competition will close to submissions on March 1, 2018.

The winners and runners-up will be announced at an awards ceremony in Lake Forest on April 10, 2018, where they will be invited to perform or screen their selected work at the close of the annual Lake Forest College Student Symposium.

“Whether it is sports, technology, music, or economics, anticipating the future helps one to affect the future,” notes Lake Forest College Trustee Liam Connell, sponsor of the contest. “Short-term changes are often noise ; what are important are long-term changes. That is why we want to look out to 2050, and beyond. Four years is an election cycle, but a generation from now, that is the real future.”

Read about the 2017 winners from Lake Forest College.

Wednesday/Thursday January 24/25- Introduce the project and begin the ideation/selection process.

Wednesday night at 6pm- Scout Experience- great way to launch the project, connect with incoming 8th graders and shoot video of the event

Friday January 26- Charlie Alves launches Love-a-Bulls editing contest

Monday January 29- Thursday February 1st- Watch and critique The Circle, by alum Dave Eggers

Friday February 2nd- Pitch Proposal Day

Monday February 5- Critique Super Bowl Commericals

Tuesday February 6- Begin working on pre-production for the project: further ideation into a Content Calendar

Wednesday/Thursday February 7/8- PreProduction work day

Friday February 9- Finalizing Pre-Production

Monday/Tuesday February 12/13- Work Days preparing for Rough Cut critique during block days

Wednesday/Thursday February 14/15- Editing day/Rough Cut check in with Mr. Douglass

--Presidents Day weekend--

Tuesday February 20- work day

Wednesday/Thursday February 21/22- Rough Draft Peer Critique

Friday February 23- final work days

Monday February 26- final work days

Tuesday February 27- FINAL project due to the server by 10pm

Wednesday/Thursday February 28/

March 1- Final class critique and SUBMIT IT HERE VIA A LINK FROM VIMEO


Pre-Production (Pitch-Proposal, ideation and Content Calendar) 100 points

Production (shooting and editing through the draft process) 100 points

Post-Production (final video based off the expectations) 100 points