Up in the Air Critique

Thursday 8.26.10-

For you first Digital Portfolio entry of the semester...

In a new page in your Digital Portfolio, titled "Up in the Air."

1. The opening title fly over sequence was over 2 minutes- what do you remember from it?

2. Why do you think they took so much time for that as the set up to the story?

3. Do you like the main character at this point? Why or Why not?

Friday 8.27.10-

Advanced Students please take notes on the things you find interesting while listening to the Commentary

Monday 8.30.10-

The middle 40 minutes of Up in the Air...

1. Which character was developed the most during this part in the movie and how?

2. Name all of the brands that you remember seeing in the movie so far. (Hilton,Hertz...)

3. If you were watching this by yourself at home would you keep watching? Why or Why not?

Tuesday 8.31.10-

For second commentary section, Advanced students note five important aspects of directing mentioned during this section

First Semester students- copy and paste the section below and describe in a specific scene when you saw this.

Camera Movements:

Pan- left to right

Tilt- up and down

Truck- rolling the camera left or right

Dolly- rolling the camera forward or backwards

Camera Shots:

Extreme Close-up- tight shot to feature one item or part of a face

CU or Close Up- tight shot, the head and shoulders

Medium shot- waist and up

Long Shot (full shot)- whole person

Wide Shot (cover shot) area around the whole person

Thursday 9.2.10-

After seeing and discussing this movie, how would you describe this movie to your parents in just two-three sentences?