Fall 2011 Digital Portfolio Requirements

1st Semester students:

    1. Studio Teacher Interview Project (15 questions, Shot Sheet, Final Critique summary)
    2. 2. Music Based Video Project (Topic/Pitch/Proposal, Script, Shot Sheet, Production Schedule)
    3. 3. 1 Live Production Experience- (2-3 sentences about what you did and then another 2 about what you learned)
    4. Extra Credit- list each extra Live Production as you did with the one above- what you did and what you learned
        1. Total: 250 points
        2. CP Project students:
  1. Social Network Critique
  2. Sport or Club Story Project (Final Critique & Reflection)
  3. Homecoming or Skate Project (Final Critique & Reflection)
  4. How to Project (Pitch/proposal and Final Critique & Reflection)
  5. Mashup Project (Final Draft critique & Reflection)
    1. 2 Live Production Experiences- (2-3 sentences about what you did and then another 2 about what you learned)
    2. Total: 300 points

AP Project students:

    1. Social Network Critique
    2. The Personal Story Narrative Project- in this order on the site (Embedded final Project, TPP, 10 short stories, Script, Shot Sheet, Production Schedule (embedded) Rough Cut, Rough Draft and Final Draft Critique & Reflection)
    3. 3-2-1 Project in this order on the site (Embedded final Project, Pitch/proposal, Treatment, Script, Shot Sheet, Production Schedule, Rough Cut, Rough Draft and Final Draft & Reflection)
    4. 3 Live Production Experiences- (2-3 sentences about what you did and and then another 2 about what you learned)

Total: 400 points