LFHS personal voice stories

Assignment: Pick a student at LFHS and tell their unique story so the school community will connect with them like never before.

Due: A 2-5 minute video, shot exclusively by a Smartphone, that will include a series of interviews and quality, creative b-roll.

Goal: To tell stories most of school doesn't already know about. Think about your friends, or your friends friends and find their unique voice. Through a series of informal interviews their voice should be showcased as authentically as possible. Everyone has a many identities that make them who they are, share those different voices with our school community.

Monday October 15- Introduction of the project- brainstorm ideas and share Practical tips for shooting

Tuesday October- 16 helping the 1st semester students develop their teacher interview project

Wednesday/Thursday October 17/18- Studio Teacher Interviews- continue pre-interviews for this project

Friday October 19- Pitch-Proposal in class

Production Process:

Monday October 22-25 Shooting and recording audio to build your story

Monday October 29- Shooting and editing for Rough Cut

Tuesday October 30, Wednesday October 31- Rough Cut in class

Monday November 5- Shooting and Editing for Rough Draft Due for peer critique Tuesday November 6- Shooting and Editing for Rough Draft Due for peer critique

Wednesday/Thursday November 7-8: Rough Draft Due for peer critique

Friday November 9- editing

Monday November 12- Final Editing

Tuesday November 13- Final Project due to the server by 9pm

Wednesday/Thursday November 14/15- Class critique

Friday November 16- Final version uploaded