Personal Story Client based Project Spring 2014

Assignment: Tell your personal story, as well as one for a friend, to learn how to work with a client well. With your friend you will guide them through the whole process of shooting and editing while for your video another classmate will be editing your video as you become the client.

Due: Two 1-2 minute personal narrative stories that show and tell the unique aspects of your clients to their specific audience.

Goal: To work with a partner, as well as a friend, to find a good story that you can cultivate and share with a specific audience. It can be used as a Senior capstone, Common App supplement or a job application. You will learn how to guide a client through the storytelling process as well as use words to direct a peer through the editing process without touching the mouse.

Friday February 28- Introduce project, talk through possibilities and watch examples

Monday March 3- Fill out the script at for yourself and then send the link to a friend who you would like to work with.

Production Process:

Tuesday March 4- Helping Shoot Studio Interviews

Wednesday March 5- Late Start- Helping shoot studio interviews

Thursday March 6- Helping studio interviews or begin recording your own

Friday March 7- Recording your audio on the teleprompter in the studio

Monday March 10- Wednesday March 13: Create shot sheet and shoot your b-roll

Rough Cut Critique: 25 points – Thursday-Friday March 13-14- 2 narrative based 2 minute videos

Shot Sheet Example- SHOOT 3 TIMES AS MUCH

Monday March 17-Thursday March 21 Record audio-create shot sheet and edit the story for your friend and partner

Monday March 31- April 2- prepare Rough Draft for your friend and partner

Peer Critique: 25 points— Thursday April 3 -- 90% Rough Draft of both videos

Monday- Tuesday April 7-8- Finalize drafts

Wednesday April 9 - FINAL DRAFT due to the server in DMT version

Thursday April 10- Class feedback to prepare web based draft

Friday April 11- Upload tweaked videos to


Communication with Partner and Friend 50 points

Shot Sheets for B-roll-- 50 points

Rough Cut with Mr. Douglass-- 25 points

Rough Draft Peer Critique-- 25 points

Final edit due on time-- 100 points