1st Semester Forest Scout Collaboration

Assignment: To visualize the current or future content fellow students are producing through the new online Forest Scout (5th and 8th hours who have the common period).

Goal: Work with a TA and the writer to develop a unique visual idea that is doable (30 sec- 1 min) and helpful for the online viewer.

Monday, January 30- Going over the Production planning

Production Process:

Tuesday January 31- Shooting in the studio or on location

Wednesday-Friday February 1-3: Shooting in the space and editing

Post- Production Process:

Monday February - 6 Super Bowl commercial critique

Tuesday February 7- Editing

Wednesday-Thursday February 8-9- Rough Draft Peer critique

Thursday February 10- Editing, re-shooting for Final

Monday February 13- Editing


Tuesday February 14- SUBMISSION DAY- by 9pm

Wednesday February 15- feedback from Parents and editing

Thursday February 16- uploading to lfhsnewmedia.com

Tuesday February 21- final editing

Wednesday-Thursday February 22-23 upload to lfhsnewmedia.com


Final edit due on time-- 100 points