Illinois Bicentennial Video Contest


Compete against Illinois High School and College students across the State by submiting an outstanding 45sec to 1 minute video highlighting a fact, event, place, person or something to learn about the incredible history of Illinois.


a 45 to 60 second video highlighting a fact, event, place, person or something to learn about the incredible history of Illinois.

Goal: Hamilton tickets, plain and simple. 100 winners will be chosen and may be aired and posted as part of the Bicentennial Countdown.

Thursday August 24: Ideation with the LF/LB Historical Society to find a great fact, event, place or person to highlight

Friday August 25: Pitch your idea to the camera and match up 1st Semester students to collaborate and learn alongside. The TA begins the research/production process over the weekend.

Monday August 28: Begin collecting and editing down the content into a well told visual story

Tuesday, August 29: Editing the story together

Wednesday/Thursday Augst 30/31: finalize and submit your final video by 3:30pm Thursday for upload.

Friday, September 1: Media Literacy Day- class critique the videos and upload them to

Tuesday September 5- Review TA project assets and decide on what unique direction you would like to take it

Wednesday/Thursday September 6-7: Hear new ideas or continue production on established ideas

Friday September 8: Observe Pitch-Proposal process from the advanced students