Script Outline examples

Here are two student examples from the last time we did this project: they are attached at the bottom as well

Kyle Donovan



PITCH: To tell the life of Mr. Eaton (in school) doing what he does on a daily basis, using natural audio of him greeting people at the door and handing out pink slips.


  • His constant cheerfulness throughout the day
  • His current job and standing at LFHS (subbing, handing out pink slips)
  • The Stosh Eaton scholarship (interview in front hall)


Stan Eaton

  1. How do you maintain a cheerful attitude throughout the day and why do you
  2. What is the Stosh Eaton Scholarship and how do you determine the recipient (elaborate)
  3. What is your favorite aspect of LFHS
  4. What do you do here at LFHS (subbing, handing out pink slips,…..)
  5. How is teaching today different then teaching back in the day?
  6. When did you begin at LFHS and what have you done since then (like has been teacher, sub, etc)


  1. Following Mr. Eaton around the school handing out pink slips and saying hello to passing kids in the hallway while asking him some questions above
  2. Mr. Eaton walking into classrooms during a class and being warmly welcomed
  3. B-roll of Mr. Eaton subbing in a class
  4. B-roll of Mr. Eaton standing in the hallway saying hello to kids (during passing period)
  5. Interview of Mr. Eaton talking in the hallway (front foyer and sitting down in chair) about Stosh Eaton Scholarship and his life at LFHS
  6. Get pictures of Mr. Eaton son for B-roll in the part where Mr. Eaton talks about his son

Rick Day- Bernie the Laptop Cart Guy

Pitch- An interview style piece to explain the job and life of the highly thought about but barely known Bernie, the computer cart man. Explain his job, what he does, and his interactions throughout the day.

3 Key Themes

• Explaining what one would do as an entire job pushing the computer cart around

• Showing what Bernie does during the middle of periods when his computer cart is delivered.


  1. What brought you to LFHS?
  2. How long have you worked with computers?
  3. What is your official job title?
  4. What exactly is your job? Do you only work with the computer carts, or do you have other jobs around the school?
  5. How often do you have to move the cart from room to room?
  6. How hard is it to make your way through the hallway with a computer cart? Do you think LFHS students make it harder?
  7. What exactly do you do after you’ve delivered the computer cart to a room?
  8. You seem to usually deliver the computer cart during passing periods, what do you do during the periods?
  9. How much coffee do you usually drink in one day?
  10. What do you do during the summer?
  11. Do you ever get tired of pushing around the computer cart?

General flow of the 2-5 minute video

  1. establishing- time lapse or similar
  2. Starting with job title cutting to what he does through the day. Interview shot from cart up to him with b-roll over it of what he describes
  3. flow into questions 3-4, get b-roll of him moving the carts into rooms, and then kids walking around the cart
  4. flow to questions 5 and 6 and show him without the cart on his downtime, and what he is doing
  5. Go to question 7 and get a lot of different shots of Bernie drinking coffee, preferably with a different coffee cup every time.
  6. finish with question 8 and end with a fade out

Overall video- background noises

  • kids in hallway during passing periods
  • elevator noises ( If he uses it)
  • wheels rolling by
  • the lock on the cart opening/closing
  • cart doors opening closing
  • coffee machine making coffee (maybe)