Spring Social Media Project 2015

Social Media Project Lake Forest High School New Media

Assignment: Tell the great story through strategic Social Media marketing to both a specific audience and measure your success through actionable response.

Due: Several edited videos that cause your audience to engage further with the cause.

Goal: To think critically about Social Media, how it works and how to leverage it as a storytelling medium. Learn how to create a content calendar that strategically builds a brand and message that makes people take action.

Wednesday April 8- Introduce the project the specific goals of the project, brainstorm ideas

Thursday April 9- watch through previous projects on Social Media or website

Monday April 13- work on TPP for Tuesday

Tuesday April 14- deliver Topic/Pitch/Proposal in class to the camera and continue to develop ideas

Wednesday April 15- revise TPP in class and start editing

Thursday April 16- editing

Tuesday April 29-30 Work on Script in class

Thursday April 30- Introduce one week class project with the TAs

Friday May 1- work on project together in class

Monday May 11- Wednesday May 13- Production

Thursday May 14- Rough Cut Critique- 50% in the timeline

Monday May 18- Post Production editing

Tuesday May 19- editing

Wednesday May 20- editing

Thursday May 21- Rough Draft Peer Critique- 90% completed

Tuesday May 26- editing


Thursday May 28- Watch and critique final projects in the DMT

Friday May 29- Final work and uploading it to lfhsnewmedia.com BEST OF New Media!