Freshman Orientation Project PROCESS

1. Shoot by learning

2. Getting great audio by learning how to use the lav mics

3. Capturing the video into Final Cut Pro

4. Copying Interview footage and the best video from the server to your desktop

5. Organizing and renaming your video on the desktop and then putting them in folders called: Interviews, B-roll

6. Creating a new Final Cut Pro project and Save it as: Your Name Freshman Orientation Project 2.25.09 TO YOUR DESKTOP FOLDER

7. File- Import- Folder FROM YOUR DESKTOP FOLDER- both the Interview Folder and the B-Roll folder

8. CREATE and NAME a new sequence (File- New- Sequence) for each of the sections of the building- based on their location

9. Begin with YOUR CLASS'S VIDEO by double clicking the first INTERVIEW file and it will show up in the preview monitor. Cut down the clip by using the >I for the beginning and I< at the end of each good SOUND BITE. Remember it's what the Freshman need to hear.

10. Drag the actual video from the VIEWER down TO THE FURTHEST POINT LEFT on the time line filling V1 track, and A1, A2. Follow with the rest of the interview questions to build your Sequence.

Then add your B-Roll to cover your interviews by following the same cut and drag down process.

11. Once you have your full story in your sequence- the way you like it- add transitions, under the Effects tab- behind your video files- Video Transitions- Dissolves-cross dissolves- drag the icon to the transition you would like to blend to make the video look smoother.

12. Then add Titles. Drop down the A button on the bottom right corner of the Viewer window. Go down to Text- Text. Click on the Control tab and replace SAMPLE TEXT. When finished tweaking the tile, drag it down to the location- above all of your video- remember to read through it twice to know the proper length.

13. Increase the volume of each individual clip, double click it in the sequence and it will show up in the Viewer. Grab the pink line and bring it up or down depending on what you need.

14. You can also work on Key-framing the audio by selecting the keyframing button <> which will act like a rubber band- to adjust the audio based on each key-frame set in the viewer.

15. EXPORT your project to SOUNDTRACK to take out the buzz in the background. Use the Effects tab in the lower left panel to find which efffect works to help your audio sound clean. Here is a great way to help your interview audio created by Hayden McAfee at

Then Export back to FCP.

Add Music and/or Audio by Importing the file. Drop it in the timeline and it will help make the visuals flow. If you would like to make some minor adjustments after you import your music- feel free.

16. Export the final time line by going to File- Export- QuickTime Movie. Save As: Yourname Final Freshman Orientation. Make sure you save it in your folder with everything else and your good to go.