Marinated Baby Cucumber Salad

From Chow Bella

4 baby seedless cucumbers (each about 5-6 inches long), cut into slices

1 tbsp water

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

1 tbsp honey

1/4 tsp mustard seeds

1/4 tsp celery seeds

1/4 tsp dried dill

salt and pepper

1. Add cucumber slices to a lidded medium bowl. Salt and pepper them, cover with a lid and shake vigorously to release some of the water from the cukes. Then set them aside while you prepare the dressing.

2. Add water, vinegar, honey, and seeds to a small microwave-proof bowl or measuring cup. Heat in the microwave until steaming, 30 sec-1 min.

3. Pour the hot dressing over the cucumbers and sprinkle over the dill. Toss thoroughly. For best results, allow to marinade in the refrigerator at least overnight before serving so the mustard seed plump a little bit and the cucumbers absorb the vinaigrette.