The 2017 Veterans Day Assembly

Post date: Nov 14, 2017 1:53:50 PM

November 12, 2017 By Allana Barber

What comes to mind when you hear Veterans Day? Usually remembering and honoring those who have fought for and given us our freedom right? Well on Friday, November 10th that is exactly what we did. We started off our assembly by three seniors David Sewell, Bryce Blauser and Mouad Elouaddi placing a flag. After that some students from the middle school student council said The Pledge of Allegiance and from there the high school choir sang The Star-spangled Banner.

Following that Mr.Knittle spoke and then had the Military branches stand which were the Army, Marines, Navy, Air Force, Coast Guard and the National Guard. After that, the first graders read a poem and sang a song. Then we had a guest speaker. Following that the choir sang We Honor You. Finally, the band played Armed Forces while senior student council president Mohannad Yusuf narrated parts and the three seniors took down the flag.

Veterans Day is a day that honors Military veterans. We started Veterans Day in the year 1919. Veterans Day is always celebrated on November 11th because it is the anniversary of the signing of the armistice, which ended World War 1. So remember to always thank Veterans because we have our freedom because of them.