Meet the Candidates Night

Post date: Oct 17, 2017 1:8:12 PM

For the Liberty High School students who volunteered to assist at the forum, the night was perfect opportunity to observe government on a local level. Trustee candidates Gregory Cizmar, Arnold Clebone, Stan Nudell, and Jason Rubin received multiple questions from the audience regarding Liberty road maintenance and the increasing need to work with local business for economic growth within the area. There are two trustee positions to be voted on this election.

For the BOE candidates- Christopher Brookbank, Calvin Jones, David Malone, and Devon Stanley- the most popular questions concerned the topic of the school's open enrollment policy. There are three seats up for election on the board. Be sure to go out and vote on Tuesday, November 7th!

October 15, 2017 By Ashley Fabian

On Tuesday, Oct. 10th, Liberty High School hosted the trustee candidates and Liberty Board of Education candidates running in the 2017 election for a Meet the Candidates Night. Each candidate had a chance to introduce themselves and summarize their motivations for running for office. The public forum allowed members of Liberty Township to directly ask the eight candidates about city and school issues within the community.