Teenage suicide prevention

Post date: Oct 01, 2020 12:5:41 PM

October 1, 2020

By Haley Holland

Did you know that Suicide is the SECOND leading cause of death for ages 12 to 24? Suicide is a very sensitive topic, but it is too important to be ignored especially in today’s society; Suicide is the intentional ending of one’s own life, Teen suicide has been a main topic in news headlines for a while. A great tool we have is the suicide hotline, the number is: 800-273-8255 please call this number if you need someone to talk to. Suicide attempts happen much more frequently than actual suicides and it is important to recognize the triggers. Teens are very vulnerable to

mental health problems due to changes in living situations, peer groups, and school decisions, as teens, we are going through many changes physically and emotionally we can become overwhelmed by all of the decisions we have to face.

Certain situations can cause us to feel stressed, insecure, overwhelmed, scared, and lead to a feeling of just losing control. It is important to talk about our feelings and tell someone when we just feel like things are just too much. Check on your friends, ask if things are okay, and be kind to each other.

One kind word could save someone's life.