FQ class

Classing: FQ Freightlink (Original buyer) Q (same model as Westrail Q class)

The FQ class was ordered by Freightlink and was built by EDI in 2002/03. The classing comes from freightlink putting F in front of all their classes and Q because Westrail was entering service the Q class at the same time that were the same design as the FQ's. With the GWA takeover of Freightlink all of the FQ's have been transferred to them. They have been specifically run on the Darwin line throught their life in regular service, some excursions away from th line may have been made but would be rare.

Drive Type: Diesel Electric - DC

Engine: EMD 16-710G3B-ES

Horse Power: 4,160hp

Generator: EMD AR11

Traction Motors: EMD D87BTRL

Max rated speed: 115km/h

Weight: 134t

Builders Model: GT46C