Origionally issued into service as PERMs (Petrol Electric Rail Motor) they were re-engined with a two diesel engines in the early 50's and from then on were known a DERMs (Diesel Electric Rail Motor). They were the longest running railmotors as they were only withdrawn in 1990's. The longest one in service was running for 63 years. Two DERM's went througha rebuilding and emerged somewhat different to what they used to look like in that they had no roof mounted radiator equipment and a modified cab on the non engine end. When originally built as PERM's they were issued into service with 5 trailer cars (The DERM trailers). In mid to late 2012 the SRHC surrendered 58RM to DERMPAV and transferred full ownership to them after many years on long term lease to the group. The vehicle was runing mainline tours under DERMPAV beforehand.

Drive Type: Diesel Electic - DC

Engine: 2x General Motors 6 cylinder diesels

Horse Power: ???

Max rated speed: 100km/h