HL class

Classing: HL - H class Leasable/Leasing

The HL class was reclassed from NSW 422 class 42203. It retained its last 3 digits of its original number while being reclassed to HL. The original Reclassing was done by Austrac before it went into CFCLA ownership. It was sold along with FL220 on the 14/11/2016 to WATCO for operations in Western Australia. In January 2017 HL203 along with FL220 weer bought by WATCO for western Australian workings and were the first locomotives painted into their corporate colours

Drive type: Diesel Electric - DC

Engine: EMD 12-645E

Generator: EMD AR16-D14

Traction Motors: EMD D77

Horse Power: 2200hp

Weight: 110t

Max rated speed: 124km/h

Builders Model: J26C