90 class

 The 90 class were built by EMD in Canada for use in the Hunter Valley coal operations in NSW. They are resticted to only operating in the Hunter due to their high weight of 165t compared with the usual 136t that is allowed on the National ARTC network. In 2005 Pacific National had 4 new 90 constructed out of spare parts ordered with the oridinal locomotives in the 1990's. The new locomotives were numbered from 9032 - 9035 and entered service in 2005. As of 2012 these are the only locomotives that wear the PN Blue and Yellow livery as it is what they entered service in, the rest of the class remain in their original FreightCorp Blue livery.


Drive Type: Diesel Electric - DC

Engine: EMD 16-710G3

Generator: EMD AR11

Traction Motors: EMD D87ETR

Horse Power: 4,060hp

Weight: 165t

Max rated speed: 115km/h

Builders Model: GT46CWM