DRC Railcar

The DRC (standing for Diesel Rail Car) built by Tulloch NSW was the first vehicle in Victoria to use air bag suspention. They performed well but soon had a reputation for being rather unreliable. NSW had railcars very simmilar to the Victorian ones (the Victorian one and the NSW were all built by Tulloch) and were scrapping them after just 7 years of sevice due to complex and troublesome circuitary so the VR purchased 2 NSW railcars and refurbished them and the 2 victorian cars. After Refurbishment they were one of the most reliable vehicles to run under the VR. The DRC's had trailers built for them out of ex Harris cars and were coded MTH.

Drive Type: Diesel Hydraulic

Engine: 2x Cummins NT-855-R

Horse Power: 600hp

Max rated speed: 112km/h