F class

The F class was VR's first diesel locomotives. Being built in england and shipped over they have a simmilar if not the same besign as the british 08 shunters. The Origional numbering was 310-319 to fit between the S class and the T class but they were renumbered to 201 - 216 when the VR purchased 6 locomotives of the same design from the State Electricity Comission where they had been running as the SEC class. The renumbering also made way for more S class's to be numbered into the same block.

Drive Type: Diesel Electric - DC

Engine: English Electric 6KT

Generator: EE 801-66

Traction Motors: EE 506A

Horse power: 350hp

Weight: 51t

Max rated speed: 32km/h

Builders Model: ???

Original Numbering