SEC class

The SEC class was ordered by the State Electrical Commission at about the same time the VR ordered the F class and were the only locomotives that were owned privately and not by the government railways (the VR). They worked on the SEC private line before the VR leased SEC3 - SEC6 and regauged them to BG. SEC1 and SEC2 were later leased to the VR before they purchased them outright. They were renumbered to fit with the rest of the F's and placed on the end of their number scheme, becomeing F211 to F216. The ARHS has preserved F216 as SEC2 at the North Williamstown Museum.

Drive Type: Diesel Electric - DC

Engine: English Electric 6KT

Generator: EE 801-66

Traction Motors: EE 506A

Horse power: 350hp

Weight: 51t

Max rated speed: 32km/h

Builders Model: ???