Lulzbot, this is what we've got! :)

Hi, as my web is not written in english, I think it will be better if I make an abstract for you, so that you can get the idea of what I've done as a teacher and as a person to support Open Source. I encourage you to surf a little around the links, maybe you don't understand much of what is written, but I hope you enjoy my work as much as I enjoy doing it!



Two years ago, we built a prusa I2, named "Imprusiño", as a classroom project. It was beatiful and we learned a lot. Unfortunately, I moved and had to leave that school and Imprusiño had to stay there. We had a blog and a twitter account. They talked about us here.

Pataca Prusadora:

This is one of the reasons I am asking you for a printer... Last year we tried again to build a prusa I3, but my school gives so little money to our department that we just could finish it with borrowed parts, that we had to give back. We also had a blog and a twitter account, at lest we printed some calibration cubes and so! :/ It was a failure as a printer, but we also learned a lot on the process.


I am part of the developers team of the escornabot (web under construction!), an open educational robotics project. The Lulzbot printer would be a great help to get my school involved on the project.


Some pictures to illustrate our work:

Stuff for the classroom:


This is what I'm currently more interested and active, I have a few exercises to get started into this world that I know some other teachers around here are using in their classes.


You can check my activities here, and you can also check some of my videotutorials, some of them are a bit older now...


We also work a lot with GIMP, I think I've done a quite extensive set of exercises for my students. I also have some tutorial on youtube.


I started doing Openscad two years ago, and I think it is a great educational tool. A very good and visual way to start coding, in this case, we use obijuan's tutorials, but we've made our own exercises.


Three years ago, I made another set of activities for learning Python, my students and I had a great time with the snake, but nowadays we are more into Arduino.

Stuff for other teachers:

During this years, I tried to spread the Open Source word amongst my colleagues, and I have given a couple of lectures and workshops.

Other people I work with:

    • Galpon: Local "friends of Linux" association. They put up a contest for promoting Open Hardware at schools and we got it. From it, our tiny hackers club, patacalabs.

    • Bricolabs: I am member of the association, and I actively participate in developing Escornabot, an open educational robotics project.

    • Ghandalf: Another local Linux users association, they came this year to our school to talk about Free Software, and we will probably start doing this on a regular basis.

Where to find me:

What else?

Nothing, just say thank you for the opportunity and sorry for my english :)