Heaven's Hall of Fame page
Paul F Brown
Subterranean Sunrise.
Wollaston Beach, Quincy, Ma Sept. 2015
Now: Update: 10/23/15
Greetings fellow lovers of God ~ Jesus ~ Mary and All the company of the Divine.
Thank you for you're stepping forward to be in the arena at this time. You were chosen
to be here because you did volunteer, you were deemed as one who, indeed, if followed
a certain path, you could cut the mustard and be a leader.
You are sitting there comfortably we trust. You have earned the right to some rest, i.e. r & r.
in the physical. At the perfect time He will take us up somehow some way that only He,
Divine Ultimate knows. p for one, is not in a hurry. We can think and be there but the earth
is a wonderful place when one is unfettered by obsolete economic systems, fear and doubt,
confusion and absurdity.
We are now ~ starting 10/22/15 and kicking off more today the 23rd, the cosmic trigger day of
this cosmic month termed ~ October. Indeed. So what is the order of the day? We would suggest
as many of us as possible be on the same page. Love and light is the path that brought us here.
We are created divine immortal , infinite spiritual beings of love and light, my dear friends.
Divine Ultimate is Divine Ultimate. He wants to be our friend and show us around upstairs.
How many Heaven's can we visit in Divine Ultimate's domain? One could never put a number on it.
Just know dear beloved's it's ours for the taking. This is what is on the table for us, dear friends.
It's now or never. What say you?
We will see you around and have some fun, dear one's you deserve it. We've all seen a little hell,
Now it's time to turn the page and create Heaven on Earth ~ Forever, Indeed.
Rec 10/23/15
Fin: 2:05 a. m.
Let there be a song for this space: p off in search of a song for this. Hold on.
Ok you can stop holding on now. )
Heaven's Choice...
Thank you Leonard Cohen VEVO for sharing on Yt.
Thank You Leonard Cohen & Company.
Thank you Leonard Cohen VEVO.
Thank You Leonard Cohen & Company.
So all the people are in Heaven's Hall of Fame including, of course, all the talented musicians
Whose God given talent provides the sound track to our lives. We're all in this together, beloveds,
the musicians need a little wind in their sails which the fans provide. So let's rejoice that our God Is
an Awesome God and He knows the best nourishment for His beloved children , other than prayer
is music and as we wind on down the road, let's calmly say Thanks Jesus for being my Lord and Saviour
and my best friend for all eternity in paradise.
) smile inc. )
Now: Update 10/20/15
First it was 10 days for the inductions into Heaven's Hall of Fame, then it was 7, Guess what? Now it's 5 which means tonight, after midnight,
Everyone will be in Heaven's Hall of Fame. Indeed, the best sweetest people and the most dastardly among us. You may be thinking wtf, but
God knows when you peel away the layers of imbalance some are walking around with, we are all bright shining stars. Spirits created by God
to be Him .playing the part you agreed to play prior to your incarnation.
The cat is out of the bag, beloveds. You are in the hall of fame you reading this,
Indeed. It's no secret and God is not coy. The music is our divine fulcrum, beloveds.
God knows,people, your buddy p has delivered some amazing musical funnels for you to ride, my God he has more than taken care of you folks.
You have funnels to the farthest reaches of the infinite cosmos.'
So, again, it's tonight after midnight, probably to the wee small hours. You can see it being created or you can just wake up to it Wednesday and
It may be like Christmas. Just know this is all an illusion, but it's a good illusion. After all God created it; it's had it's attackers and attacks. Damage
has been done but HE & His Divine Company has fixed it. so terra's full recovery is secure. Love and only love rules the universes.
Love is all there is. With this much said, we are ready for bed and a wonderful day ahead. See, I didn't use the 'A" word amazing lol. )
p & co 7 & humanity
Fin: 10/20/15
7: 05 a.m.
Now, 10/ 12~13 /15
Greetings One and All and welcome to Heaven's Hall of Fame page. We, p and the company of Heaven appreciate your being here.
We have been honored to have inducted our first 2 honorees- The Moody Blues - as a group and each member making up that group.
Heaven's Hall of fame does not require any ceremonies or speeches. The Moody Blues are clearly deserving of being the first inductees..
They just are in and celebrated and accepted for their extraordinary gifts as fine gentlemen not to mention being amazing musicians
playing other-worldly music. Welcome Justin, John, Ray, Graeme, Mike, Denny, Patrick producer Tony Clark and all the other musicians,
support teams and friends involved in your journey. Oh, and we thank and invite your legions of fans who also get to go to Heaven.
That's it, we're done God ~ everyone is in. )
Hard to follow The Moodies but Dan Fogelberg can do it. Yes, our other inductee is Mr Dan Fogelberg and Dan, as a man, would be in just
for his kindness and compassion as a beautiful loving soul ~ like so many of you. See, dear ones, this Hall of Fame is for all of us and not just
the talented musicians. e.g. If you are a stay at home mom with kids and you do the best you can or you're a hard working Dad struggling to
make ends meet and put bread on the table in an obsolete economy- you are in this Heaven Hall of Fame.
If you've fallen short in what you strived to accomplish in life but had good intent, all is not lost.
If you're still here, there's still stuff for you to do. Maybe just sharing hope and lending a hand when and where you can. Times 'r changing
on the planet and the light is in the victor's circle.
If you are a troubled teen or kid or young person and you just don't seem to fit in, know it's ok not to fit in. We're all unique creations of God
who knows everything about us, better than we will ever know about ourselves. He knows our vastness, the awesome and amazing I Am That I Am
part of God that we are. If we weren't part of the infinite fabric of God, well, it just wouldn't be the same. HE thought of you so you matter. Big Time.
Please remember this when you're not having such a good day. You are loved beyond measure and your presence here is a blessing. Amen
So, who will be the next inductee? We'll find out soon, probably this weekend as more people get the word re The Moodies and Dan.
Of course paul can't get arrested so subterranean has his mission been so far. But, rest assured folks he has had his glimpses, cosmic dreams and
instructions knowing God's plan is perfect. It's God's script and we humble servants always adhere to 'not my will but your will' Dear Father.
So this will be a celebratory weekend for sure dear friends. Love on... )
So, check back soon and see what spirit will have shared here. It would be appreciated and an excellent idea to share this, God's site with
everyone you know. Peace out..
Always, love & light,
p & co
p.s. So it is understood, this is not a reactionary action to the Cleveland Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Everyone in that Hall, by reciprocity is in Heaven's Hall
You're good and welcome and recognized here. Heaven's hall is way more far flung than just the rock & roll. It's about life and struggle and survival
as well and more. p was at a traffic light the other day and gave a homeless man a couple of bucks. The man shared that he's been sleeping in the
woods a short distance away for 20 years. He looked like Santa Claus.
This man is in Heaven's Hall of Fame. He has a home in heaven waiting.
but til he and others like him get there - let's all do what we can to end travesties like this. There is a donate button on 'Site Essentials' page to
help us, p & co do things like this as well as love offerings if you have gained something from this, make no mistake - God's site. It was given over
to Him freely, and since that day long ago the magic has flowed ~ for example this latest right here: the impulse to share the following video featuring
Heaven and Earth Hall of Famer ~ Madonna. Thanks Madonna. )
Now. By popular demand ~ a sneak peak of the celebration following the reveal of the 3rd inductee party followed closely by the 4th inductee party,
Yes an even bigger party, you'll see, into Heaven's Hall of Fame.
Fyi the first 10 [Ed note 10/14/15] - now the 1st 7 (God's #) will be when we stop counting, ok guys and gals? We couldn't count them anyway
as God loves and accepts everyone and no one is left out , saints or sinners, the dark pushes the light. where would the light be w/o the dark?
Yep, God's plan is perfect. Be in the light as a choice you make now is recommended.
Thank you Madonna Tours for sharing on YT.
Thank You Madonna & Crew.
Wow, what a time we had early this am, shortly after midnight, when Robert Plant,
Jimmy Page, John Paul Jones and John Bonham, and witth Jason Bonham were
inducted into Heaven's Hall of Fame.
Other than the menu one can get to their celebratory page by clicking here.
Til next time... )
So, it is recommended to look at the menu and let your divine fingers lead
you to where you're supposed to be. The front page will lead you to other places.
Above all have fun. The new Earth paradigm is about fun, sharing and sharing
Heaven on Earth. Now, Indeed the time for Heaven on Earth is Now.
Love on...
p & co 7 & humanity.
Google images.
Cliff Sunset.