Heaven's Hall of Fame ~ George Harrison
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Meet George Harrison
June, 2014
Greetings Beloved Ones and welcome to this page in tribute to our beloved brother George, still very much with us all.
All you have to do is turn on the radio and chances are you'll hear a song that will stick in your head all day! lol
A dream we had the other night confirmed we'd be doing this, and such an honor and privilege it is for us to share
such good stuff as follows. Indeed, it is hoped that you will enjoy this page dedicated to George Harrison
and that you will also enjoy the other pages that make up this site termed: God's Earth Party Now site as truly
Now Is the time to celebrate the victory of Heaven on Earth Now and forever IJN. It's You who make 'The Jubilee!'
Thank you for your love and support.
Who is George Harrison? Some info...
A Must See interview...
Thank you jamespower for sharing on yt.
Thank you George and Ravi and John Fugelsang and VH1 staff
Check out George and Company at May is Mother Mary Month IV Song of The Day 5/21/14
Concert For George 2003
Thank you Raul Bujor for sharing on yt.
Thank You to All the amazing musicians and audience who made this tribute to George so incredible.
Handle With Care.
Thank you Traveling Wilburys for sharing on YT.
Thank You Traveling Wilburys.
Good stuff...
George Harrison "Alternates & Rarities" Volume 1:
George Harrison "Alternates & Rarities" Volume 2:
Thank you greg ledbetter for sharing these on yt.
While my guitar gently weeps...
Thank you Marco Pulgar for sharing on yt.
Thank You George, Eric, Ringo, Phil and company...
And so my apple scruffs ~ How I love you...
Thank you nowhereman113 for sharing on yt.
We love you too, Brother George.
While randomly turning on the radio in the middle of the night recently we heard of David Young
for the first time who has been given the honor of channeling George. It was a very interesting interview on
We mention it here.
And here's some more info
Thank you Sally Crawford for sharing on yt.
Dave on Facebook...
David's acceptance of George's influence and George's joy of having his music go on reminds
us of the folktale story shared at 'A Jerry Story' at the May is Mother Mary Month V page. You're
invited to check it out if haven't seen it already. There are innumerable instances where the living
and so called 'dead' can and do work together. To say it's a 'win win' situation is an understatement.
Take us home George...
Thank you misojosbrillan for sharing on yt.
Any Road...
Thank you TheMusicalSteve for sharing on yt.
Thank You Beloved Brother George. See You soon! )
Everyone. )
Keep smiling everyone...