14 C4D Lathe tool Bowl, plate, cup
By default C4D opens in perspective view but if you create a spline in this view it can easily not be perfectly flat and make your lathe come out wierd so the first thing you want to do is change to a side view
Next select a Bezier spline from the spline menu
Make sure that when you begin and end your shape that you are on the Y axis. THIS IS IMPORTANT!
this would be a bowl
Once you are happy with your shape go to the NURB menu and get a Lethe NURB and drop the spline into the lathe. rename the lathe whatever your object is. Cup, glass etc.
Go back to Perspective view to see if your object came out the way you wanted it to. If you need to adjust it return to the side view and take the spline out of the Lathe.
If you are happy and want to make something new change from points to object and move the object away from the Y axis so you can use the Y axis to create your new object.