Add Your Banner to your website
Post date: Sep 24, 2015 3:12:26 PM
Create your banner:
1. Open Ps and create a new 960 x 150 pixel image.
2. Use Edit > Fill to fill the banner with a color. It helps if the banner matches the background of your website. You don't have to though. You can also change the background of your site to match your banner later.
3. Create a banner that includes at least your first name and the SLAM logo. You can add anything else. You can find logos on the server in Class Folders/-SLAM Logos.
Add your banner to your site:
1. To add your banner to your website, go to the gear and click Edit Site Layout
2. Once the Layout editor loads Enable the Header by clicking the Header button once:
3. Click the top of your website where the banner should go and make the header height 150 pixels, select Custom Logo, and choose your banner jpg.
Your banner should have your name on it already, so if you want to get rid of the name at the top that is automatically there, go to the Gear and then to Manage Site. Unclick where it says Show site name at top of pages.
That should do it!
If you need to change your banner, open up the .psd file, save it as a jpg, and re-upload it.
Here is a Google webpage with videos and more about creating a header image for a google site.