Getting Started with C4D

Find the App in the Applications/MAXON/Cinema 4D R19 folder and start it up. Be sure you open the and not any of the others. Drag the program to your Dock.

If something goes wrong let Mr. Farley know.

When it starts up, go to Help > Personalize.

Copy the following:

And paste it into the box provided and put in the info just like below:

Click ok and C4D should be fine.

Start by creating a cube by pressing the Add cube button

Use the yellow squares to resize the cube into a large plane.

Add another shape by holding down on the cube button.

Resize it using the yellow squares and move it by dragging the arrows. Use the move, scale, and rotate buttons to orient the object how you want.

Add more objects to create a simple scene out of simple shapes.

Go to the bottom left "create" menu to create either load material presets or create new materials. Drop them onto the objects.

Click on the light to add lights.

Change the lights in the properties box on the bottom right.

Watch this video to see how to add colors and textures to your shapes and how to render an image to post: