Identity Project

This is a video exploring who you are.

If you are in Mrs. Synnott's class, you have already written your voiceover for this project in her class.

Here are some past projects from when we called it My Artistic Self:

And here are the Who Am I videos two years ago:

This project will have a shorter timeline because we need to start the Fast next quarter.

Friday October 20: Have your voiceover written and ready to record.

Start shooting shots you will need. Shoot way more than you think you need.

Best to create a shot sheet so you can plan out a good visual story to your narrative.

Friday October 27: Have voiceover recorded and at least five shots in a timeline.

November 3rd: Rough Draft due. A rough draft is almost done! Just need critique and polishing.

Friday November 9 (Thursday): Final Due and posted on your website and turned in with form.

When you have time, update your website (that's your final!) and complete a service project.