13 C4d Basic Navigation
These tools Are found on the left side of your window and allow you to choose what you are working on.
The top box lets you make standard objects editable, there are a number of drawbacks to doing this, the most important is that you can no longer subdivide your object simply and you may end up adding a huge number of points so use this with caution
The next box allows you to work on textures which is something I don't work with
The next box allows you to adjust the work plane
This box allows you to work on points
this box allows you to work on edges
This box allows you to work in faces
These tools are found at the top left side of your window and effect your object that you are working on. You can choose whether you work on an entire object a point an edge or a face using the above tools
Select The first tool is the selection tool and it works like most selection tools
Move The Move Tool will move your object or point or edge
Scale The scale tool allows you to adjust the size of you chosen object (this tool will not work on a point but will work if you have selected multiple points
Rotate This tool allows you to rotate your chosen object what was said above about points applies here as well
Recent This is a list of your most recent used tools which is very useful as we begin to use tools that are not in the front tool bar.
These controls adjust your view
The first one moves your field of view
The second one moves you in and out
The third control is really most useful in the perspective view
And the last allows you to go from perspective to top, right or front view
These controls are found on the upper right side of the window and are groups of objects and deformers
The first is basic objects
The next has different types of splines
The third are nurb type object
The next will allow you to create arrays
The next are different types of bends
The next allow you add objects to your environment (floors, skys etc.)
Next are cameras
Last are lights
This is your property window and allows you to adjust size, position, subdivision and oh so many other things