Premiere In-out-editing
Start a new Premiere Project inside a new folder called Disappear.
Drag your video into this folder.
Double-click in the project pane and import the video.
Double click the video to load it into the Clip window.
Use the JKL keys and the arrow keys to find where you want the video to start at. Press the "i" key to set an "IN Point."
Find the place in the video that you want the disappear to happen and press the "o" key to set an "OUT Point."
Drag the section of video to the timeline.
Use "i" and "o" to set a new in and out point for the clean shot (where you are gone).
Drag this section to the timeline.
Set in and out points for the section where you reappear and drag it down to the timeline.
Edit your shot and export it.
We will add cool titles and sound Monday.