Multimedia 1 Assignments 2016-2017

New "Late" Assignment Form! Fill this out for all late assignments or assignments I have missed.

4th Quarter Assignments

3/27 Watch Discipline Animations. Post your animation to your website as well as any other 3rd quarter assignments. Write 2-3 sentences about what you learned and what the assignment is about. Add a recent announcements gadget to your homepage to show your animations on it.

3/29 Walk Cycle, Draw your character.

3/30 Walk Cycle, draw your character in all frames.

3/31 Walk Cycle.

4/3 Create a movie symbol and paste all your character frames into it. Create a graphic symbol and draw a panoramic background. Friday photo assignment: Portrait. #slamportraitphoto

4/10 Historical Figure Jabber

4/26 Animation and video. Create a video that includes at least three shots with either animation added to video, video added to animation, or both. You may work in teams of no more than four. Due May 12. Here are two examples: Small Halls, Where I'm from by Phillip Stanley.

5/12 Turn in Animation and Video Project Here

5/14 C4D Render First Image. Post your render on G+ #slamfirst3d

5/18 Watch animation and video project. Update website with latest projects, Get Cinema 4D running on your computer.

5/22 Animating with C4D and rendering a movie

Final Project

Rubi Ramirez Project


3rd Quarter Assignments

1/19 Color Replacement Tool, Analogous Color | #slamanalogousphoto tomorrow!

1/20 Complementary Color Photo | #slamcomplementaryphoto

1-23/24 Monday/Tuesday: One Take Challenge Planning

1-25/26: Wed/Thursday: One Take Challenge shooting

1/27 Friday: One Take Challenge edit (add title and credits) and turn in here. No photo due ( complementary photo due next Friday)

1/30 Monday: Watch One Take Challenge videos.

2/1 Three Ideas Assignment

2/2 Post your One Take and recent photos to your website. Remember to write about each assignment.

Also, post your Fast for Nonviolence work! Post your video, link to your Fast website, your social media, your presentation. For best results, take screenshots and link to them.

2/3 Photo Assignment: Backlight. #slambacklightphoto Also, sign up for WriterDuet and start writing a script. Share with

2/6 Create a script with at least one conversation between two people. You will film the conversation (not the entire script) tomorrow.

2/8 Film a conversation. It can be a conversation in your script, a joke, or just a conversation. Record a long shot of the conversation and two over the shoulder shots of the same conversation. Don't forget: Camera Sound Settings

2/9 Edit your conversation using: Editing Dialog with Multicam Editing

2/10 Upload your conversation to Youtube and fill out this form to turn it in. Everyone must edit and upload their own edit.

2/13 Record Macbeth's Soliloquy and create an experimental film. Due 3/2

2/14 Happy Valentines Day! Watch Conversations.

2/17 Critique Backlight Photos. New photo assignment: Experimental Photography (you may use photoshop for this one). Experiment with light, shutter speed, Macro (we have a macro lens), blur, compositing, or whatever. The assignment is to experiment and create a creative image. Due March 10. #slamexperimentalphoto

3/2 Experimental Due. Turn in here.

3/6 Read comments here on Experimental and fix all issues. Turn in fixes Thursday. Turn in here.

3/6 Getting started with animate

3/7 Create a background and animate something in it.

3/9 Create a movie Symbol

3/10 Post your animation to YouTube, G+ #slamfirstanimation, and to your website using Exporting an animation as a movie. Remember to turn in your fixed experimental video and your experimental photo also.

3/11 Tracing an image. Assignment: Discipline Policy Animation

3/24 Turn in Form for Discipline Policy Animation here.

10/23 Our Values Propaganda Poster

10/27 Getting Started With After Effects

10/28 Form #slamformphoto

10/31 AE Rendering a video

11/1 Create a new Effects page and add text video to it.

11/2 Begin Obiwan

11/3 Garbage matte and green screen keying Obiwan

11/4 Space Photo Assignment and Form Crit

11/7 Creating and animating a light saber for Obiwan

11/8 Fast Kickoff 2nd and 3rd

11/9 2nd Create sabers for Grievous in Obiwan

11/14 Premiere Pro with Obiwan

11/17 Exporting from Premiere Pro

11/30 Disappear shot

12/1 Exporting from Photos and Importin to Premiere, Setting in/out points to edit the shot.

12/2 Make at least three meaningful comments on three food photos that do not have three comments already.

12/5 Add sound and titles with Final Cut Pro

12/6 Add latest projects to your effects page on your site.

12/8 Greenscreen Compositing with Final Cut Pro

12/9 Photo Assignment: Primary #slamprimaryphoto

12/11 CodeCombat for the Hour of Code

12/12 Finish Codecombat level, get out of dungeon.

12/13 Fast Research on forum

12/14 Fast Graphic on forum

12/16 Analogous Color #slamanalogousphoto

12/19 Write the Voiceover for your Fast project.

12/20 Create your social media account for your Fast project. Turn it in here.

12/21 Create your Fast website using the New Google Sites. Here is a good tutorial on the new Google Sites. Turn it in here.

12/22 Create a Google Slides Presentation for your project or get access to the presentation. Turn it in here.

Semester Final: Your website should, at a glance, show your work and progress this semester. You should have pages showing your photography, photoshop, effects, and a page showing your Fast for Nonviolence work.

Also: Your Fast for Non-violence project is due Jan 19th. You will present your project to the class on the 19th or 20th then present to a non-slam class on the day you fast.

1st Quarter Assignments

8/18 Logging into your computer and getting it set up.

8/18 Getting Started With GarageBand

8/19 Log in to your Google Account and posting hello message #helloslam

8/23 Photoshop Getting Started, Erasing, and Compositing #myfirstcomposite

8/24 Find images that represent different things about you, who you are, and what makes you happy.

8/25 Clone Stamp Mrs. Farley

8/29 Quick Selection Tool and Refine Edge

8/30 Magnetic Lasso, Magic Wand, and Quickmask

8/31 Start Collage

9/7 Post Collage to G+ with #slamcollage

9/8 Start your website

9/9 Voice Recording with Garageband

Getting to the Server

9/12 Pixel Art

9/15 Animation and sound with Photoshop

9/16 Posting to Youtube

9/22 Post all your photoshop work to your website. Include a few sentences about each assignment. What you learned, what you did, and how you feel about it. Fill out this form to turn your website in.

9/23 Composition, Focus, and Light photo assignment

9/24 Create a Photography page and post your first image to website

9/24 Create a Photography page and post your first image to website

9/26 Typography Challenge

9/30 Line Photo #slamlinephoto

10/4 Add A Banner to your Google Site

10/6 Adjusting the colors of your site / Fill out this form to turn your site in if you haven't yet!

10/12 Add Recent Post gadgets to your website

10/13 Cropping, image size in Photoshop #slamcropping

10/14 Shape Photo #slamshapephoto

10/17 Photoshop Color Adjustment with Adjustment layers

10/20 Creating a character with Adobe Fuse

2nd Quarter Assignments