Thank our Donors Choose Donors

Post date: Oct 22, 2018 4:11:9 AM

Donors who give over $50 to our Donors Choose projects get thank-you letters from us.

Please write a short letter thanking the following generous people.

This is an assignment for Seniors. If your last name falls within the letters, write a thank-you letter to that person.


SLAM Alumni Patrick Ceralde donated to our project that funded the podcasting studio's Elgato Stream Deck. The Eglato Stream Deck allows you to change cameras, greenscreen yourself into virtual backgrounds, show a picture in picture, and much much more at the press of a button.


SLAM Alumni Will Taylor funded our entire project to purchase a Monopod for our sports broadcasts. The monopod stabilizes our field camera but is much more mobile than a tripod.


SLHS Alumni James Huang donated over $50 to our project that funded speaker stands for the speakers we set up in the gym for the rally. Without these stands, the speakers would have been on the ground.

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