Sky Replacement

Post date: Apr 25, 2016 5:18:35 AM

Grab the Sky Replacement clips off the server from the Mr. Farley's Assignments folder. Put this folder in your AE folder in Documents.

Follow the instructions here.

When he has you apply "curves" to your shot, go to Effects > Color Correction > Curves.

The motorcycle shot is interlaced. Notice the lines through the motorcycle as it moves.

To fix this, right-click the shot in the project window and select Interpret footage > Main.

When the window opens, Find the Fields and Pulldown section and set Separate Fields to Upper Field First.

Notice how the shot looks better now?

If your shot looks all blocky like this:

Adjust the linear wipe on the new Sky Background,

Render, edit, and post.

Here are the rendering instructions in case you forgot how to do it in AE.

Put the original shot of the motorcycle with it's old sky together with the sky replaced shot in Final Cut.

Apply some kind of wipe transition to show off the sky replacement that you did.

Put a title and your name at the beginning, add sound, and post it to Youtube, your website, and G+ with #slamskyreplacement

These are all shots that show your skills with video, effects, sound, etc. Finishing each shot with titles, sound, and color correction is the key to looking professional and skilled.