
1. Post your re-enactment video to your website. Write at least a paragraph about it explaining what you did and how it worked out. You can put your text next to the video by double-clicking in the blank space and selecting text.

Here's a lesson on: Getting started on your website

2. Determine what your service project is going to be for this month.

Here's a page on: What's a service project?

3. Start planning your first Choice project.

Your plan is due Friday on Basecamp. Archive or delete your re-enactment basecamp project and create a new one for your choice project. Invite your team members and Mr. Farley

For this project, the limit is three main people per project (that's the SLAMMY limit also). Enjoy it, the next Choice project will have a limit of one.

You must also work for or act in another team's project.

It's a good idea to know the SLAMMY Categories when planning a Choice project