PW:RE Translations

This is where all my translations of the PW:RE (Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft) into English will end up. You can find the original German text here:

To search for an article here, either look in the relevant volume in the "All Articles" page, or search by category using the "Categories" page. There's also a search function under the magnifying glass if you're looking for a specific article, though if your spelling is different (ie, Admetus instead of Admetos) it doesn't come up with results.

Feel free to download, share, and use these translations however you wish, as long as it is non-commercial, and you give credit. If you can work out how to add these to Wikipedia or Wikisource, you have my explicit permission to do so without asking me first. Also, if you spot any mistakes, let me know ( and I will fix them.

If you want to request an article, you can do so here.

Note - while I have been working on this site since 2018, this remains my only experience with German translation. The English is likely to be pretty clunky in a lot of places, and I will get things wrong sometimes, especially in earlier translations. At the bottom of each page should be a note to let you know when I actually translated a given article: the more recent it is, the better you can assume the quality will be.