C. Claudius Glaber 165

vol. III p.2724

165) C. Claudius Glaber

The son of a Claudius (perhaps the consul of 624 = 130, if it weren't more probable that he was called Appius; cf. nr. 11), he was praetor 681 = 73 (SC de Oropiis IGS I 413, 7), <20> and he moved against Spartacus' band of men as the first Roman general with a militia-contingent. He closed them off on Vesuvius, but he was overpowered by them and killed (Liv. ep. XCV. Flor. II 8, 4. Oros. V 24, 1. Plut. Crass. 9, 2; cf. Appian. bell. civ. I 116. Münzer Philol. LV 387).


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page first translated: 19/07/19page last updated: 05/01/20