P. Sestius Capitolinus Vaticanus (9)

vol. II A p.1890-1891

9) P. Sestius Capitolinus Vaticanus

<50> He was consul with T. Menenius Lanatus 302 = 453 and decemvir legibus scribundis in the following year 303 = 452. In 302, his name was: P. Sestius Q. f. Vibi n. Capito V[atica]n[u]s Fasti Cap., cf. the notes on it CIL I2 p. 16. 30. P. Sestius Capitolinus Liv. III 32, 5. Diod. XII 22, 1. Fest. 237. P. Sestius Dionys. X 54, 1 (cf. 54, 5. 55, 3). Cassiod. Vaticanus Chronogr. Capitolinus Hydat. Chron. Pasch. and 303 P. Sestius Liv. III 33, 3f. Diod. XII 23, 1. Dionys X 56, 2. <60> Because his name is in the lists of the decemviri but not the name of his co-consul, a larger part of their duty was attributed to him (Liv. 33, 3; slightly different and expanded further Dionys. 54, 3ff.); because the decemvirs' legislation had no cattle-fines, assigning a maximum to the cattle-fines has been traced back to a law from these two consuls by a few classicists (Fest. 237, cf. Mommsen Strafr. 50f., 3). <page break 1890/1891> About P. Sestius in Liv. III 33, cf. L. Sestius nr. 1.


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page first translated: 30/12/18page last updated: 14/04/22