
vol. I p. 892


A month in the calendar.

1) Of Cos and Calymnos: Westermann biogr. 450 determines the birth of the great doctor Hippokrates, <10> ὡς Σωρανὸς ὁ Κῶος ἐρευνήσας τὰ ἐν Κῷ γραμματοφυλακεῖα προστίθησι, μοναρχοῦντος Ἁβριάδα μηνὸς Ἀγριανοῦ κζι; Ἀδριάνιος Bull. hell. VIII 33. 35 cf. V 221, 9 Z. 12. Bischoff Leipziger Studien VII 381, where the older literature; then Aug. Mommsen Burs. Jahresb. LX (1889) 425 and Paton and Hicks Inscr. of Cos and Calymnos, Oxford 1891, 329ff.

2) Of Byzantium: cf. the Papias-Scholion (11th cent.) in Bröcker Philologus II (1847), 248 II: <20> there, according to older sources, the agranios bizantinorum was equivalent to the Julian August;

3) Of Rhodes, as the amphorae stamps often found on Sicily show, eg. Kaibel IGI 2393, 1. 33. 59. 61. 86 etc. With due caution, Bischoff loc. cit. 384 and Mommsen loc. cit. give their view on attempts to order the calendar of Rhodes.

4) Of Messene: Athen. Mitth. XVI 1891, 353 Z. 7.

5) See Agrionios.


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page first translated: 07/08/19page last updated: 07/08/19