P. Clodius Pulcher 49

vol. IV p.88

49) P. Clodius Pulcher

Son of P. Clodius nr. 48 and Fulvia. He was still a child at the time of his father's death, and was saved from Milo's ambushes by a loyal slave (Ascon. Milon. p. 30). His step-father M. Antonius described him as a boy full of hope in the year 710 = 44 (in Cic. ad Att. XIV 13 A, 2f., cf. 13 B, 4f.), <20> but according to Val. Max. III 5, 3 he engaged in the worst kinds of debauchery and excess, which meant that his extravagance eventually brought about his death. On an Egyptian alabaster vase found in Paris, he is named as the owner and his positions are also listed: P. Clodius P. f. Ap. n. Ap. pron. Pulcher q(uaestor), quaesitor, pr(aetor), augur (CIL VI 1282 = Dessau Inscr. Latin. selectae I 882). <30>


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page first translated: 13/01/19page last updated: 04/06/19