Akratos 1

vol. I p.1195

Akratos (Ἄκρατος) 1)

A daemon in the following of Dionysos, worshipped in Athens in the form of a mask. Paus. I 2, 5, cf. Kallim. epigr. 42 Wil. Probably identical with the daemon worshipped in Munichia as Akratopotes (see there). In terms of depictions, only a mask in a sketch on a late vase from Lipara in Glasgow has been attested with an inscription, publ. Journ. of hell. Stud. VII (1886) pl. 62. Other depictions have been often attributed to Akratos, <20> eg. Ann. d. Inst. 1841 tav. B 5. Zahn Wandgem. II 50, cf. however F. Marx Röm. Mitt. VII (1892) 26ff.


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page first translated: 07/08/19page last updated: 08/08/19